Customer Experience

CX Metrics: How to do it successfully

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CX Metrics: The Heart of Customer Loyalty

If customer experience (CX) were a movie, then CX metrics would surely be the stars. From Net Promoter Score (NPS), the cool and collected veteran, to the ever-so-attentive Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and the newcomer Customer Effort Score (CES)—all of them play a key role in understanding the complex dynamics of customer loyalty.

Lights, Camera, NPS!

NPS is an old-time favorite. It's like the Tom Hanks of metrics, always reliable and insightful, offering a snapshot of customer loyalty. With a simple question—"How likely are you to recommend our product?"—it collects customer sentiment on a scale from 0 to 10. However, like any Oscar-winning actor, NPS can't carry the movie alone; it needs an excellent supporting cast. Enter CSAT and CES.

Keys to Success with Net Promoter Score (NPS)

  1. Understanding the Purpose: First and foremost, it's essential to understand that NPS is a tool for measuring customer loyalty and not just overall satisfaction. It's designed to gauge a customer's willingness to recommend your product or service.
  2. Asking the Right Question: The standard NPS question is "How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?" It's important to keep the question consistent to ensure accurate tracking over time.
  3. Timing the Survey: Time your surveys appropriately, ideally after a significant interaction with your product or service. This could be after a purchase, customer support interaction, or product upgrade.
  4. Digesting the Feedback: NPS scores are invaluable, but the open-ended feedback customers provide is where real insights lie. Ensure you have a system in place to analyze this feedback and take action based on it.
  5. Closing the Loop: Always follow up with customers after they've given feedback. This demonstrates that you value their input and are committed to improving the customer experience.
  6. Integrating with Other Metrics: Don't use NPS in isolation. Use it in conjunction with other metrics such as CSAT and CES for a holistic view of the customer experience.
  7. Continuous Improvement: NPS is not a one-and-done exercise. Continually monitor your score, make improvements based on customer feedback, and keep striving to increase your NPS.

CSAT: The Heartthrob

Flashing its endearing smile, CSAT is the heartthrob of CX metrics. It measures customer satisfaction after specific interactions with your product. But remember folks, CSAT's charm can be subjective—what satisfaction means can vary from customer to customer. It acts like the emotive actor who triggers all the feels, yet needs a solid script (read: precise questions) to ensure its performance hits the mark.

Keys to Success with Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

  1. Defining Satisfaction: The first step is to define what satisfaction means for your business and your customers. The definition will guide the questions that you ask in your CSAT survey.
  2. Timing the Survey: Send out CSAT surveys shortly after an interaction has occurred. Customer feelings and impressions are fresh, leading to more accurate responses.
  3. Asking Specific Questions: CSAT measures satisfaction with specific aspects of your product or service. Make sure your questions are focused and related to the interaction you're measuring.
  4. Including an Open-Ended Question: This allows customers to provide additional feedback that can offer valuable insights.
  5. Analyzing the Results: Regularly review the responses to identify trends and areas for improvement. Remember, the goal is not to achieve a perfect score but to understand how you can improve.
  6. Taking Action Based on Feedback: Use the feedback received to make improvements. This shows customers that you value their feedback and are committed to improving their experiences.
  7. Following Up: Let customers know that their feedback has been heard and what actions are being taken as a result of their feedback. This will make them feel valued and heard.
  8. Regular Monitoring: Continually monitor CSAT scores and make adjustments as necessary. Like any metric, CSAT is most valuable when used regularly over time.
  9. Integrating CSAT with Other Metrics: CSAT gives you a snapshot of customer satisfaction at specific points. Combine it with other metrics like NPS and CES to get a broader view of the customer experience.

CES: The Underdog

The newcomer on the block, CES gauges the effort a customer must put forth to interact with your product. It's the underdog who often steals the show. High effort equals less loyalty; we all like things that are easy to use, right?

Keys to Success with Customer Effort Score (CES)

  1. Identifying Points of Effort: First, identify the points in the customer journey where effort is required, such as setting up an account, resolving a technical issue, or navigating your website.
  2. Crafting the Right Question: Ask customers how easy it was to complete the task or interaction. A common CES question is: "How easy was it to deal with our company today?".
  3. Grading the Scale: Typically, CES is measured on a scale of 'Very Difficult' to 'Very Easy'. The higher the score, the lesser the customer effort, which is a desired outcome.
  4. Timing of Survey: Like CSAT, CES should be measured right after a specific interaction when the customer's experience is still fresh in their mind.
  5. Acting on Feedback: Use the feedback from CES to identify points in the customer journey that require high effort and work on simplifying them.
  6. Close the Loop: Let customers know that their feedback has been taken onboard and what changes you plan to make as a result. This not only improves the customer journey but also builds customer trust and loyalty.
  7. Combine with Other Metrics: Together with NPS and CSAT, CES provides a fuller picture of the customer experience, making it possible to see where customers may be getting frustrated and enabling businesses to address those issues proactively.
  8. Regular Monitoring and Adjustment: Continually monitor and measure CES. Over time, as you make improvements based on feedback, you should see your CES improving. It's a continuous cycle of measurement, improvement, and re-measurement.
  9. Making the Journey Effortless: The ultimate goal is to make the customer's journey as effortless as possible. Remember, the easier you make it for customers to interact with you, the more likely they are to remain loyal and continue doing business with you.

A Blockbuster Trio

When these three CX heavyweights come together, they promise a blockbuster performance. By combining their strengths and insights, we get a full, nuanced picture of the customer journey. It's like a movie with an ensemble cast—each metric brings a unique flavor to the table. But don't forget, these metrics are just actors playing their parts. They're tools we use to understand our customers better. The real stars of the show are the customers themselves.

In conclusion, when crafting a CX strategy, remember to combine these metrics for a holistic view and always prioritize genuine improvements over numbers. After all, in the theater of customer experience, the ultimate aim is to have your audience, the customers, give you a standing ovation. Now, that's a wrap!

Key Success Factors:

  • Understanding the Role of Each Metric: Recognize what each CX metric—NPS, CSAT, and CES—measures and its importance. This understanding helps target improvements in the right areas.
  • Combining Metrics for a Holistic View: Each metric gives a unique insight into the customer's experience. Use them together to gain a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey.
  • Asking Precise Questions: The quality of your results relies on the clarity and precision of your questions. Ensure your survey questions are accurately constructed to glean meaningful answers.
  • Prioritizing Genuine Improvements Over Numbers: While metrics give a quantifiable measure of customer experience, they should not be the end goal. Prioritize genuine improvements in product and service quality based on customer feedback.
  • Incorporating User Feedback Early and Often: Include user feedback and CX metrics into your product roadmap from the beginning. Regular updates based on customer feedback ensures your product stays relevant and user-friendly.
  • Encouraging Open-Ended Responses: While numeric scores give a quick overview of customer sentiment, open-ended questions allow customers to express their opinions more fully. This qualitative feedback can provide deeper insights into what is working and what is not.


CX Metrics: How to do it successfully

CXO on Demand

An experienced CX professional with a global journey spanning digital agencies to top corporations, Michal is passionate about helping businesses create unforgettable customer experiences.